//mood. swing.
i have tasted the best chocolate in the world.
its called Giotto. from the same company as ferreo rocher. but its hundred times more orgasmic. made from hazelnut milk cream. omg.
move over allan wu.
its only available at candy empire at millenia walk.
alrighty. nothing much the past few days la
as usual, school's a bitch. my friends have been supporting me non-stop throughout the week. not to mention he has constantly giving me encouragement.
you're gonna be great someday. he says.
and i believe him leh.
UNIFEM conference was a brainwash session. they said they were a org that supports gender equality. but all they did was highlight that women were horrendous oppressed and subjected to this and that.
oh come on la, my BRA does not bind me. in fact it supports me. i will not walk around with bouncy boobs ok.
and oh my gosh, i shave my armpits and legs not because i want to be BABY-LIKE.
ewww. i wonder if the speaker... gulp.
the press conference for TTAS was ok. my luck was good, was the last person to ask the question. the rest of the 20 behind me had to go. sorry la, right place that the right time.
the rest of the day was a blur.
though it ended with a bad note of disappointment
but i'm glad now.
dear daddy,
thank you.