//hearing aid: miss ang
//mood. finally a happy birthday
let's just say my dream of coming back here and saying what a moron i was for feeling angsty last night has come true.
i am a moron for feeling angsty last night.
i have the best classmates.
they con you to believing they forgot your birthday
then spring a suprise cake out of nowhere
then con you to believing that they won't smash your face into the b-e-a-u-tiful cake
but in the end they do.
then they actually let u smash cake all over them just for fun [i believe i got them instead of they letting me]
then they invite you to chase them into the male toilet
then they tell u they love u and happy birthday
then they steal your chunky cookies which were given by them anyway.
ah. i think my classmates "rockxxx worxxx lahz" (quote from my cousin's friend.)
Summertime Sweets
8 months ago