//hearing aid: The Way - Fastball
//mood. soul'd
saw this at a toy shop. yes its detachable and yes its available for kids.
what are they doing to taint our minds?!
oh well. rogue was a huge disappointment. firstly, the event ended before i could even step into the club. met mel and mer to drink a bit (ok a bit too much) and then we reached rogue at 1125pm. party ended i'm sorry.
so we together with the rest hopped to coccolatte expected a huge crowd. omg there were 3 guys. that's it. and us about 10 of us la. We got free entry... for the girls, free drinks and the whole club to ourselves. madness.
we danced and dance but i puked about twice almost 3. omg orgasmic.
val wasn't feeling good too. i decided i'd better send her home. in the end, she sent me home. haha
got home and conked. i need to sleep.
morning was a blur. besides hearing felix rant about radio, i can't really remember what happened. i know i laughed all the way home with pearl and calvin in the taxi.
for some reason, pearl has an attraction to shan.
i also know adeline makes the sexist sack i have ever seen.
and yes those aren't her hands.
newswriting's a biatch.
webD's not looking too bad.
i'm so glad the weekend's here.
dear daddy
take away her tears. i know she has her fears. she says she hears them calling, all the fights and brawling. she wish her soul to peace, her family her life yours to keep. take away her pain, let her live again. if not with us then with you, this i ask through and through. i pray one day she'll wake, or lest her soul you take. oh Lord i pray to you, my family will live through.
ah ma, i love you.
Summertime Sweets
8 months ago