I'm always gonna worry about the things that could make us cold
saturday was awesome.
instead of going on a normal date like lunch and movies and that normal sort of thing read: boring
me and desmond decided to go to the heritage museum at the old fire station near clarke quay.
it was quite an experience. at first, i was like civil defence. yeah great that would be like the best way to spend a sleepy saturday afternoon. but it turned out quite an experience.
they had all these old retro stuff that would make my grandma feel right at home. ha. but then i learnt quite a bit.
pretty interactive stuff. it got me wanting to go to museums and soak up the atmosphere.
ha don't even start.
then dinner at magic wok. finally the dose of magic.
and then xboxed. i slept for your information.
and then home.
thanks sweetie for a great day.
sunday was quite tiring. it seems there's some tension here and there.
i just wish i knew what was going on.
i decided to leave the tension and hang with gen and kris for a bit.
off to toy r' us to search for lunchboxes for our little tykes. can u believe me pearl and liz couldn't find a red lunchbox. incredible.
then we decided to go home. i guess it's one of those times.
liz's webbed feet.
when you said you had cold feet
i didn't imagine them that cold.
I just want to know what blurs and what is clear