i met up with my lovlies today: shouchen and dean.
we went for lunch at our favorite foodcourt at holland v, devouring our food whilst gossiping about how shouchen got into JUICE mag with a scandalous picture with a random chick. and how dean's love life is lock away in KL. i miss having lunch so much with them. when it was a daily affair, it was one of the things i looked forward to. too bad lynda was sick. boo.
aunty came and joined us and talked about how she scolded a french woman and how a young girl forced her to move from her SIA seat. nal too added her two sense worth about the new intern who was the total opposite of me (read: skinny, a boy, soft spoken and no phone manners).
i miss imsg lar.
i love the two of you p-sluts-r-us.
and when i left, dean sent me this:
one the best days so far.