
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

everything is illuminated.

"And when the coyotes they sing in the park
It’s when the city life starts falling for the sea
Winding roads are winding down and the flying men’ll hit the ground
Every motion is closer to touching the coyotes sing when they call on your lovin’

jason mraz, coyotes.

1. new year is coming, this means i've got to make some resolutions.
looking back, i did meet most of my resolutions for last year: lose weight, meet a nice boy, spend more time with family and graduate with above average scores.

this year, i'm starting a new chapter in my life, the corporate one. it scares me but oh well, its a rite of passage.

my resolution this year would be to seriously draft a plan for myself and to work very very hard to achieving it. this means saving money, knowing my job goals and working on relationships.

also, one of the not so impt resolutions is to take a trip. i didn't fulfill my one-trip-a-year quota this year so hopefully i'll have enough money and company to make it over the shores of singapore. vietnam looks like an awesome possibility.

2. finished reading 20th Century Short Stories and now on Jonathan Safran Foer's Everything is Illuminated
20th Century was so much more interesting than when i had to study it in sec 4. but it doesn't help that my lit notes at the beginning of each chapter spoils the entire story for me.

Everything is Illuminated is turning out to be quite a light read, despite having a somewhat lacklustre story line.

3. realised how much i actually believe in God.
he never failed me, but this time, he is testing me. i can feel it. i don't know what to do, i don't know what to feel. i just hope i will understand the great plans he has for me.

in the meantime, kneel down and pray loh, what to do.

4. secured a full time job with not too bad of a pay.

i'm actually looking forward to the 'countdown party' at the beau's friend's place. though i know no one, it's nice to be a stranger this year.

happy new year everyone!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

meh christmas.

let me give by lestrim ; deviant art.

Just take it easy
And celebrate the malleable reality
Nothing is ever as it seems
This life is but a dream

live high ; jason mraz

oh boy, we have a long one.

1. christmas was excellent.
awesome dress which i got for a steal coupled with the choir sounding fantastic during mass was just too much to take in.

hugging and presents were flying by, the most excellent of flying objects don't you think?

finally, a quiet night with the yeo's in their natural habitat with loads of turkey, beef and ham and wine. by the time we left their place, it was 6am.

and christmas morning was spent with the family with tons of goodies on the table. the night was capped with point no. 2...

2. Twilight was only half good. or wasn't half as bad.
think the only good part of the movie was from the baseball scene onwards. before that, all the heavy breathing and tension was just tween porn (thanks yunwen). and i thought Robert Pattinson was a bad actor till the middle when he growled at the other vampires. ah, got depth.

wah lau, where got vampire got spark'ring skin under the sun?

3. watched the entire season of The Class.

its a little trashy so its quite sinful to watch. but there's only 19 episodes which ends rather fucked up.

Ethan: How amazing was last night?
Kat: For me, not so amazing. He's boring. His stories were boring. I couldn't stand him. The sex wasn't bad though.
Ethan: You slept with him?
Kat: Yeah, and I gotta say, for a mountain climber, he spends a lot of time at base camp!

Duncan: Hey the weatherman said our town will not be in the blizzard's way. so just nice layer of soft snow and ice.
Richie: Oh, then i must have slipped and fallen on the irony.

Lina: Try my Moroccan chicken!
- tastes it and cringes -
Richie: What the hell did poultry do to you, you angry angry woman!

it is seriously excellent. see the class here

4. The highlight of the week: the beau got me the sold-out islandwide hard cover copy of Tim Burton's The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy

i love.

4 points is more than enough,
i'm fulfilled.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

weak week.

x'mas is around the corner.
and this makes me uber happy.

doesn't it make you just want to hug everything in sight?

1. did all the x'mas shopping for others. (all except myself. bloody hell.)

2. met old friends at botak jones and laughed at all jokes about mass comm and the army.

3. went for 3 interviews - one totally bored me, one i totally want. come on baby, make it a home run.

4. actually had a 45 minute smoke break with a colleague.

5. had the ultimate x'mas moment - sitting in a nice space with someone i care about, eating ice cream with the overhead sound system playing "have yourself a merry little x'mas". nice.

6. cooked lunch after a gazllion years of not being able to.

7. had dinner with mer. it's been a while. as usual laughed from start to finish.

this week passed by too fast.
i didn't even have time to do 10 significant things.

shit, got another mysterious bruise on me.
wah lau, i'm like a peach.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

right thurr.

1. worked. worked. worked. and decided that i want to work no more. but have not much options. damn you world economy.

2. saw the beau in about 432530897 different lights - drunken mess, rock god, goth creature just to name a few.

3. manage to take a publicity shot with a band. HOW COOL SLASH INDIE IS THAT?

4. got myself a couple more interviews with boutique firms, fingers crossed.

5. watch a dear friend spent almost $90 on lingerie. i didn't even try to stop her.

6. played paintball with my kakis till i was sore, bruised and begging for more. it was my first time, but most definitely not my last.

7. played poker twice. played once yesterday but cannot remember much. Choice quotes of the night:

"Ariel (as in the little mermaid) is half sushi... but all sashimi."
"Dude, what does that even mean?"

"Drink all that water! And you will become the XXM!"
"what the fuck is XXM?"
"Xu Xu Master."

"i might be bankrupt, but i am most certaintly not a pussy bastard."

"what is this putrid, black, sour, vomit inducing thing i'm drinking?"
"it's Guinness stout."
"oh, no wonder it tastes so bad."

8. went to ikea, and picked up some mighty handy things for the new room.

9. watch the beau in action on a big stage, hip thrusting and all.

10. actually make a guy say: "i work as a risk analyst. why didn't i see you coming?!"

whose yo' momma?

Friday, December 5, 2008

making a porno.

let's just say, zac and miri do make a porno and karen liked it a lot.

the beau however, enjoyed it more than she did.

and the man next to us, enjoyed it rather suspiciously.

its one of those comedies that make you think you know what's going to happen, until shit happens. hah.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

like, i love to blog.

Shot down: said you never had the chance
Took a ride on a suicide romance
Could have sworn there was somebody home
To facilitate the great unknown

easy tonight, five for fighting

honestly, five for fighting is ten times better live.

1. i like blogging, so therefore i shall not wait an entire week to blog about things. hmph.

2. I AM GOING TO WATCH CATS the musical! bought tickets and everything! and most expensive one somemore. this means times of austerity ahead.

3. i hate xiaxue. i think someone who has to photoshop her own eyelashes has serious serious issues. also if you're that dumb, don't blog. she should get real friends to tell her that.

4. zac and miri make a porno (2008) is coming to singapore! i must watch.

5. i had the most kickass presentation today in front of clients today who said my media strategy was the best out of 11 teams. takedown!

6. actually slept at 1030pm and could not watch desperate housewives. how. tragic.

7. unpacked into my new room... its now officially personalised.

8. i squeezed into a car with 7 other people. it was quite a pleasant journey.

9. i actually told my lecturer she was kaypoh. thank heavens she's a nice person!

10. for the second time in 2 years... I GRADUATED. i now have a degree. booyah.
