
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

all about rock and roll.

yes, the beau's band is finally into baybeats.
after months of practising, after sessions of listening.
after weeks of writing lyrics and melodies - it has all paid off.

the beau will be standing in front of thousands, doing what he absolutely is born to do - rock out with his cock out.

and, i'm the proudest, most beeming with pride girlfriend ever.

to the beau: you deserve this, and you earned it. now go show singaporeans how the bass is played. [PDA alert - please highlight if you aren't allergic]I love you so much and think you have immense talent that should be shared. i am proud of everything that you've done, keep on doing what you're good at. you know i'm always 150% behind you. [end of PDA]

cockpit for the WIN!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

all i wanna do.

i literally, have nothing to write today.
i have had nothing to write for the past month.

i guess, i've started internalizing many things - in a way it's good. in a way it's bad.
i've been smoking a lot recently, i don't know why.
i've been having thoughts of getting wasted and drunk recently, i don't recall ever wanting to this bad.
i've been wanting to stop being so cash conscious recently, but its not an option.

all i can look forward to is bangkok - where the above three options are allowed to manifest and i don't have to feel bad about it.

because it's a holiday.
and it's with three out of five of my favourite boys.
which is like 60% which isn't bad at all.

and also, what's up with all the cheating husbands? next year, the women fight back please. 

i have literally, nothing to say.