
Thursday, September 29, 2005

//seeing eye dog: chinese walls - chen xi

he left me cold on a winter's day. I never knew that i will never see him again. i thought he would return for me like he always did during hide and seek.

i look at people on the streets. and i get envious.
i want me to be like them. interlaced hands, a lustrous future.
sometimes i wish u would put me into the centre of your life. make me your reason.
for a while. just a day sometimes. i just want you to make me feel special.

i want to not hold your hand and feel uncomfortable about it.

oh no. i think that i'm becoming needy. pfft.
i don't want to become a clingy girlfriend. i saw what it did to some people
i saw what it did to us.
no no.
you are not allowed to be like this.

so there.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

//hearing aid: everyday i love you less and less - kaifer chiefs

i spent the whole day with the bangs. just them and me. at russ's house.
we met up for a swim with char in the morn.

remember russ and me reaching a new level of friendship?
now kenneth and i have too.

fly me to the moon and let me sit among the stars

then off to work char went. and then off to bishan we went.
homeward bound next and we slept for two hours.

not before romping for about half an hour. yes romping.

we went for dinner near russ's place not before cuddling up to one tree hill and some other random show.
came back for shooting stars.

olinda's on-screen boyfriend is all mine.

if he can date her, he can date me. haha. i nearly cried when she kissed him ok. haha omg.

mr. emo kid.
his real name is david aw. awmygourd.
no pictures. no other mention except that creditals and 20 mins of drool worthy moments.
why is it so unfair. why!?

okie kenneth and russ would like u to see me get stuck on a railing on a busy road.
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i would like you to see kenneth sucking on russ's nips
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i love them. so much

Monday, September 26, 2005

//hearing aid: invincable - ok go

i met my dream car. again.
i know its a shallow dream to have but i have a good chance of achieving it

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the heart flutters

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i touched it. omg.

haha. shit u all how say it looks like a wild boar. all except desmond la.
haha. and russ and i have reached a new level of friendship.

boxer shorts galore.
here's to my favourite show of all times.

whose line is it anyway?

can u not laugh at this:

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made my day. man. i bought the whole first season of it for 6 bucks. time to tickle my funny bone.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

//hearing aid: quidam - from the quidam ost

quidam was fucking amazing.
i remember when i first went to saltimbanco back in 1998 or 2000 i think... i was already blown away.
but then came quidam.

amazing stunts. gorgeous performances. All with a simple plot: a girl was getting bored at home and she wondered into a mystical world of quidam.

for two solid hours, i was hooked and wanting more. worth the 122dollar tickets.

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after that dinner at sushi teh and dessert at pregos. the tiramisu...

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to all yc members:
there's a gathering of prayer and bak ku teh and possibly coffee table mahjong on friday at matt's place. if u dunno how to get there, meet at shaw plaza balastier and we'll walk together ok?

i still love you guys
//hearing aid: all the things that i've done - the killers

power jam semis were ok-ed.
met up with desmond to go support rafe and pulse. both did pretty well.
but sign of thyme and halfstride were fucking awesome.
miss diva with that fantabulous voice. ba. my gawd i wanna sing like her.

the host, the female one, was a horrendous shame. both to np and to the dj-ing world.
won't mention names but...

she was from np. seriously lack of professionalism and tact.
she asked syawla evol to change their name cos she can't pronouce it.
oh i'm sorry... i'm perfectly fine with it.
bull crap.

she screwed up the song lists. made a complete idiot of her self. she made sweeping comments.
goodness and she's from np.
haha go figure out yourself.

then me and desmond hopped down to town for makan. this new jap place... something something-to.
not bad. good food and good service and low price. at cine.
then went to play photohunt. haha i suck at it la.

then chocolate cake and cheesecake. ah.

met the cousin. talked.

i miss my ah ma. she's still so dear to me..

picture to laugh and point fingers at:

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serious, go get hair extensions. if your are dying to tie your hair. hell i think it might even cost cheaper then your fugly clips.

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Friday, September 23, 2005

the party was kickass.

i got a bit high last night. one jug of bourbon and 5 ten was a little to much for me.
stood by the river and tried to puke. funny enough, ms puke queen couldn't puke.
stuck a finger down the throat, stared at val's puke but nope. nothing.

the sweetest thing?

desmond was with me all the way. rubbing my back, telling me to let it all out, telling me i was beautiful even if i had puke on my face, saying he'll never leave and he's here. he ran countless times to get water and tissue for me and val and every casualty that fell out of the club.

the bands were wonderful. the music quite solid and people were generally happy.

except that about $1000 worth of stuff was stolen

3 mp3 players each about 300 bucks and a digi cam worth 600bucks were stolen. blatently in front of our eyes. i was so pissed i nearly killed someone. the bags were largely left unattended and some were in the VIP room where all the other bags were ransacked and mine was too.
lucky me, i carried everything valuables with me and so did my crew.

kenneth's camera was gone, ade's mp3 player.

well the theives could have at least done a better job and not leave the bags wide open. And not turn in the bags at the bar. stupid fuckers.

anyway, we have some suspects in mind according to some people. but i'll keep it hush hush for now.

other than that... my party was kickass. woots.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

//hearing aid: be yourself - audioslave.

looks like the party might hold up after all.

i like it. i like that my friends are forcing themselves to get people to go to the party.
i like that friends that i haven't heard for so long are coming.
i like it that people who can't even make it are buying tickets.

i think i need to be more charitable.

other than that. just pray that things will work out. and that everything will go smooth.

oh Lord, grant me the serenity and the patience to hold myself out throughout the party. i have done many things i am ashamed of for the party. now, grant me the grace to ride it through and make it happen. Not for me, but for the team, for AFA and for those who believed in me.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

//hearing aid: broken - seether feat amy lee.

the day started so bad.
a bad mutated haircut. i look to bubbly now. as known as fat.
it was so bad when i left the salon that i went home to wash my hair again, flat ironed it and let it sit for two hours.
i am gonna have a bad hair day for a few months.

then i met rus and nick for dinner.
then i thought about the party and how it was going bad.
i need to bring myself together.

everyone please help me.
come to the party and save my ass.
yes i am begging now. i don't care for dignity.

and here's to the momo party people: you got it good.

Monday, September 19, 2005

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to charlene.

remember how we use to hate each other to shreds in primary school? then we had to work together for some national education quiz ( i swear when i found out u were my partner i nearly backed out), we actually won it.
in church you were always the unreachable standards girl. the pretty, smart, social butterfly kind. it was weird that we started out as enemies and now we're the best of friends.

i remember how we use to hang out (the four of us including ade and stella. ugh) and u and i always seem to have some else in common then them. besides of cos ade who u've been best friends with for 16 years. its been such a long way to where we are, the own business, the same schools. you've never missed a birthday, an anniversary or anything that needed your support and constant concern.

i'm glad that we worked on that quiz man. i would have never thought we would walk around orchard and actually enjoy doing it. haha. i'm glad that finally bertram told you the truth that i wasn't behind those malicious rumors and you were humble enough to apologise to me. i'm glad that we can now talk about anything under the sun and over it and around it too.

thanks char for your unending love, concern and friendship for the past 7years. i love you miss perfect :)

happy 18th birthday

ps: oooh you're legal! no need to steal ic! :)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

//hearing aid: spiderman - michael buble

a new team of fighters have emerged.

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fucktablous four.
fuelled by sin. bonded by... bonds.

we are too bloody free.

the carnival was messy. we had a pie throwing booth where people pay to throw 'pies' at us.
the pie was made out of flour, stale bread, water, food colouring and whipped cream.

everyone just wanted to smash us.
after that i spent 1 hour getting starch out of my hair.

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thats how much russ got out of his hair in 5 mins.
we were so disgusting. we walked from my church looking like someone puked paddlepop all over us.

the night was spent with russ, nick and kenneth. the sexcapade.
haha. we were mad, running around east coast, coming up with loopy superzeros.

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i think i haven't had so much fun for a long time. :)
//hearing aid: i'm still on ok go.
//mood. fraladidums.

pr was a drag queen.
my hand has lost circulation.

then out with the family to makan and i sold 10 tickets to my relatives that aren't even coming.
haha. ilovethefamily.
anyway fortunate resturant's timsum is ohmyguckinggourdorgasmic.

then i slept 1 hour in the car. yes i spent an hour driving around buying toto and 4d, buying pau, passing things to the aunties yadayada.
then another hour and a half at home.

met with kitty litter for char's birthday. finally girl u are legal.
and had clear prawn soup that looked like coffee and tasted like fermented hei mee.
played pool and woots.

this morning i met up with girls again to do girl stuff. hung around till desmond came to cut his hair. finally!
yes he has cut his hair. and yes it is nice. he looks young. too young i think. haha
he said i looked like a cradle snatcher.

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he and i both.

and then back to church to paint this for our carnival tml.

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from left: me, ashton and bunny wabbit russell.

ha. being free from pr and commiss and SCHOOL is simple orgasmic.

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spider fire man fire man
bring on the fire with your aeresol can
fire man fire man
spread a bush fire with a portable fan.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

//hearing aid: get over it - ok go.

i have discovered a brand new band.
and brand of music.

don't you just love them already?!

ok go is a swedish band who was made famous by their infamour extremely hilarious fuckingly unreal music video.

see video here

it will make u very happy. they kept me sane during my lack of studying for pr.

you're a million ways to be cruel...

Friday, September 16, 2005

//hearing aid: a million ways - ok go
//mood. ___________ .


that was me slamming my head on the keyboard.

i spent the whole day : sleeping, nuahing, watching tv, disturbing desmond and NOT STUDYING.

"i will study after lunch!" said the little voice in karen's head.

after one afternoon

"i will study after dinner!" cried the little voice in karen's head.

a few hours went by

"i will study after arrested development and joey!" her voice was getting weaker.

the shows went

she did study. for half an hour during the news. probably the most impt show.
no here i am, blogging, after spending hours reading blogs and doing useless things.

the only thing i have learnt is:

i cannot stand people who laugh out loud like this: LOLXXXXX. and i cannot stand girls who call their other halves 'dear dear', teddy bear, honey buns, chocolate cake, AhBoi1987 and other names other than his own.


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

//hearing aid: crazy - aerosmith

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sometimes i wonder how i got so lucky.

its been thirteen months. of laughter and tears. i sit here and think about the first day we spoke, and the first time we held hands. the first time we kissed and the most beautiful thing he said to me.
i remember the first time we went out. the awkward silences, the fleeting glances. the fear of losing out.
now look. we're stuck. in the most beautiful rut.

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i remember for valentines day, he made cookies. from scratch i must say. buying the butter in the morning and mixing the batter, i know he didn't really enjoy himself doing all that baking and kneading. but he did it any way.
he ushered me off to west coast just in time to watch the sun set.

its the little things he does that makes me love him. i don't care much for the expensive dinners or the elaborate functions.
i care for the times he stayed with me when i was up doing work.
i care for the hourly calls he made when my grandma was sick
i care for the snuggling up in front of the tv
and the ten cents he gave me to top up my 'marriage fund'
the time when the necklance i wanted was sold out. he went around to look for a replica
he swears he'll work to let me have a good life

i feel blessed. i feel fulfilled. we fight but we always laugh about it.
and i love his ah beng side. seen it?

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happy 13 months mr. desmond sim.
you make me smile.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

i wants

//hearing aid: i'll be there for you - the rembrants
//mood. commis can suck my chocolate salty balls.

the paper was good. i am fuppy. but then i still can't go to bangkok. i am fsad.
i need to stop being fulgar.

hopped to alexandra village for lunch. then to ikea to shop for funiture for the youth room.
i love the sofa.

i also found my new room to be.

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disclaimer: two swanky girls not included

and i saw my dream place on the way

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i want to own my first place by 25. by rental
i want to own my penthouse by 33. by monthly installments.
i want to have a place to call my own by 45. all mine and no one else's.

i want a car by 28. A honda jazz.
i want my dream car by 35. a RX330 lexus.
i want to be able to own a powercar in my lifetime. be able to own a ferrari. not buy it just be able to.

i want to marry by 26.
i want my first child by 27. my second by 30.

i can't shake my legs to my dream right?

Monday, September 12, 2005


//hearing aid: wake me up when september ends - green day
//mood. let me sleep on.

i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here i should not be here

i should not be here.

i should be neck deep in porn, ethics, erotica, pop culture, violence, war and imperialism.
but here i am.
i always disappoint myself.

i spent the whole day with lanxi, calvin darryl and desmond. we studied from 12 - 4.
wow you must think.
one hour of travelling. like fucking nomads.
one hour of bitchin'. like we always do.
that leaves one hour of moping and thinking about everything other than work.

one hour of pure studying.

woots. i am an over achiever.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

muscle out

turn up your volume.
and be prepared.

click here

i am so sorry russ, kenneth and nick.


study woman study.

//hearing: bohemian rhapsody - queen
//mood. very very frightening!

school is over. i noe i said this before but heck. school is fucking over
but exams spoil everything. i have not started on anything yet. i studied, i tried. please dear gourd i tried.

did you know hallmark is showing re-runs of Mad About You?

omg i was so hooked like a fish out of water.
okie besides that, desmond came over and we tried to study only to end up sinking in the sofa to....

starship troopers.
baaaahaa casper van dien. the one hit i wonder where he went?

now i am blogging.
i am so going to burn in hell for this.
i thought i'll look forward to studying porn for an exam. like when we were sec 2 and everyone in class aced the sex education chapter for science.
nah. no such interest.

and on a final note before i even start to studying (or remotely thinking of it),
a head was found at orchard.
a head. a human head.

i don't even noe how that was going to jump start me studying.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005


newswriting is over.


passing up the paper printed, smooth out, with minimum flaws (thanks to beni and adel) was the most orgasmic, pleasurable feeling in the world. but i don' want to do it again.

thank you my fourth estate team.

went out with val, juan (who has bout 23847832964987 demerit points now), adel, pearl and syed was refreshing.
thai express twice in a day is sinful. ah.
shopping after school is theruptic.

me and val came up with a new game at the counter of spinellis (how ever you spell it la, i don't care! no more newswriting!).
basically we come up with a random word, say... eyes.
then i have to think of a song with eyes in it like... behind these hazel eyes

ah. played it for like an hour la, howling in laughter. we manage to mutate like tons of songs.

" the word is 'old'"
"old... my love, my darlingggg...."
"oldly youuuu. can make this world seem right..."

juan's bad boy's song was reused more times like recycled toilet paper.
val's signature word: "ta".

"senorita i feel for you"
"onetanah merah"
"wata wata seki siiioooo koon." ? syed insists it a hokkien song.

adel's word: balls.
"great balls of fire!"
juan: "what kind of word is balls?!"
"ok ok, make it easier... ball."
juan: "what the?! that's not easier!"
"ball can be ballroom, balloon..."

the best word? had to be OW.
"smoot criminal"
"JUANAINSED (refer to end of post to find out meaning).!"

oh my gosh.

off to ps with desmond to eat thai food. then photohunt which is more addictive then cigarettes.
then onto bus 14 which doesn't go anywhere near where we wanted to go. we wanted to sleep on the bus. that worked.
felt urk-ed after the long bus ride. i think its the oily food.

then home now...
school's done. i'm so fuppy.

the last look at that fine piece' o ass.

adel took this discreetly. she's a darling.

fuppy. heh.

juaninsed - where one eliminates the 'h' in the 'th' sound. Worthy becomes worty. smooth becomes smoot. OR when your tongue being tied makes you the butt of all jokes. eg. may i have a dino milosaur?

orign: Juan Chan. :)

Sunday, September 4, 2005


//hearing aid: dare you to move - swtichfoot
//mood. sleepy.

heres to adel, beni and val.
we stayed up to do newswriting.
we ate random packets of food.
we (actually adel) yelled at 7-11 cashiers because they don't have jelly
we made beni sit on a spastic ride at the void decks just for kicks
we all had glam moments with mr. lava pillow
we all slept.

we did it.

bah damn tired and have too much things on my mind.

i still miss her.
i just want you to know. i've been fighting to let you go.
some days i make it through. but then there's night that seem so blue

i can't let her slip into oblivion.