
Sunday, August 23, 2009


clearing cobwebs - both online and offline at the moment.
that explains the dead air that's present here.

quick updates can be done, as such:

- job: check
- love life: check
- friends: check
- family: check

things are going well in karen's world.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

it's like hollywood heard me

I cannot believe so many of my favourite books and stories are being immortalized onto screen with big hollywood names actually interested in making it work.

the lovely bones was one of the very first books which i could not put down. i think i must have read it at least 4 times and everytime, every single time, i always discover something new about it. it's so child-like and different.

time traveller's wife is the ultimate favourite book for me. heart-wrenchingly beautiful, it's an out of this world story made believable. love knows no boundaries, not even time and space.

and alice in wonderland, my favourite childhood book. my mom actually banned me from it for a good while because she thought i had an over obesession with it. just as icing on the cake, tim burton took it and made it his. with johnny depp, but of course.

i'm too excited to work, i'm just googling all the book titles i love to see if a movie is attached to them.

next stop: real world by natsuo kirino.
hollywood / japanese directaaa - are you listening

Monday, August 3, 2009

spent time

rock it, i by mad puppet (deviant art)

thinking about you today.

There's still a door here shaped like you. Boarded up, covered in chains and nails. Look at you, like a new tattoo. Because I might not always have you but I'll have the feeling of you for the rest of my life. But life doesn't give you a second canvas. So all you can do is paint on. And, sometimes, even over.

so in the meantime, I built you a house and a garden inside my head. I know you'll be happy there.

and stay there for a while. Just so i can keep you there for that little while longer.

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?