the party was kickass.
i got a bit high last night. one jug of bourbon and 5 ten was a little to much for me.
stood by the river and tried to puke. funny enough, ms puke queen couldn't puke.
stuck a finger down the throat, stared at val's puke but nope. nothing.
the sweetest thing?
desmond was with me all the way. rubbing my back, telling me to let it all out, telling me i was beautiful even if i had puke on my face, saying he'll never leave and he's here. he ran countless times to get water and tissue for me and val and every casualty that fell out of the club.
the bands were wonderful. the music quite solid and people were generally happy.
except that about $1000 worth of stuff was stolen
3 mp3 players each about 300 bucks and a digi cam worth 600bucks were stolen. blatently in front of our eyes. i was so pissed i nearly killed someone. the bags were largely left unattended and some were in the VIP room where all the other bags were ransacked and mine was too.
lucky me, i carried everything valuables with me and so did my crew.
kenneth's camera was gone, ade's mp3 player.
well the theives could have at least done a better job and not leave the bags wide open. And not turn in the bags at the bar. stupid fuckers.
anyway, we have some suspects in mind according to some people. but i'll keep it hush hush for now.
other than that... my party was kickass. woots.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago