
Sunday, October 16, 2005

//hearing aid: hard to beat - hard-fi

marina mandarin's new spanking coffeehouse international resturant is fucking awesomely goregous and huge. the latter does not work in my favour.

brassire tatler Aquamarine is goregous. although the new logo looks like two weak sperms swimming in the wrong direction.

the placemats look like turquoise tree barks. i said that and vic scolded me saying they were from louie vuitton and cost 200 bucks a piece. fuck you man! save on the placemats and give the staff a raise.

the uniform is another sad thing all together. as if i wasn't vertically challenged enough, everything is higher, taller and bigger. except the uniform. the top's too short, the skirt's too long and the vest's too short. so all in all i looked like an overgrown muffin.

but work was fun. besides the egg-headed bald man who kept asking for ice water without ice. then its just cold water you dumbfuck. and tell me u don't want ice before i pour ice into your dingy glass. sheesh.

everyone seemed to be in a spanking mood so i guess it's back to business at aquamarine.

eh i would love to promote the place but its fucking expensive. the dinner buffet is 48+++. however, the food. ohmyorgasmic. haha new chef = new food.

i look like a muffin.