//seeing eye dog: the biggest loser on channel 5.
i thought i saw a pair of boobs on tv. but then it was just man tits.
my workplace spent millions of dollars on the renovations. but they can't even make the place waterproof.
yesterday, water was pouring in from the ceiling, the outdoor area was forcing water into the main resturant.
someone spilled chocolate on the floor so it looked like we were working in an inch of milo.
my shoes were all wet from the water, people were slipping randomly.
ohmygosh. but nonetheless it was fun to have a mini buffet after work too.
cheesecake, club sandwich, chicken rice, apple strudel.
the operation was ok. i guess, it wasn't as bad as i thought.
the fucking injection was bloody painful.
but then everything else was a breeze. i felt nothing but heard everything. the sewing of the stiches, the cutting of the keloid.
my ear's fine now. but i don't know how it looks like. i have my keloid in a jar at home. its quite a sight.
last night, i had a one too many.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago