//seeing eye dog: america's sweethearts - teevee.
its funny how your name stands for opportunities and you gave me none.
you denied me of a space because i was sick. but recovered but not fast enough apparently
i hope you read the email, learn some human relations from it and not turn anyone away from your retreat again.
because i couldn't go to the camp for some unforseen circumstances, i went out with desmond for the whole day. We went to sim lim. ok.
and then we went to cine where i rediscovered my love to GUNBOUND! ha.
then makan at jacks and now i'm home, doing my projects
having a room all to myself, the aircon at whichever temp i want, doing whatever whenever.
yes i'm just bitter but hell, i should make the most out of the situation.
i am not going back to your weekend. no, what if i fall ill again?
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago