
Thursday, February 16, 2006

//hearing aid: if you didn't love me

But there's so much inside me, I never get to say

here's a virtual one first, i'll give u a real one someday

he makes an effort.
i know he does. it's hard to know that sometimes.
i miss him. suddenly. he says he does too. my voice, he says, i miss your voice.
and here i am, i had to read that twice to make sure he said that. it's just unlike him
i wish he was here. sometimes, i think all i need is him and everything is complete. sometimes it's a pain to be near each other. i'm not perfect and he knows that.

and he still stuck around for some odd reason.

it's always been about me.
now it's about us. what's happening to us.
our lives. not mine. ours.
and i hate everything around me. i just want to bleed it out of me.

i love you too.