
Thursday, February 9, 2006

//hearing aid: one love - U2

did you come as jesus, to cure the lepers in your head

along came miro.
it's a long story.
imagine. dark haired, brighted eyed, flawless face, japanese, perfect white teeth.
oh me oh miro.

gen and i were talking about memoirs of a geisha and kris said gen has the characteristics of a geisha.
i stared at her. uh?
so i asked her how much her mizuyage was. and she freaked.
i told her i wanted to bid for it.

then gen said it's the 21st century. grow up.
and i said, oh so now i got to bid on ebay?

gen laughs and says: "i have to send e-crab cakes to all my clients."
we couldn't stop laughing for a while.

school's become that regret and bane of my existance again. today was mad rush day. i spent a total of 30 bucks on cab fare here and there. 20 bucks on printing. and i died and rose again to die again.

school just got fjkl;sddfjkl;sakjlfdsaljksdfagasfhj;wruioh;