
Monday, July 10, 2006

//ask reeves peeves//

the one thing i cannot stand is rude people who work as telecommunications officers with horrible english.

"hello, air***a can i help chu?"
"hi, i would like to find out if my booking went through."
"i would like to checking on my booking for a flight to bang-"
"your nam prease."
"excuse me-"
"your nam, your nam cor what?"
"my name? are u ask-"
"yesh mam, your nam."
"karen wong."
"your car number prease."
"my car number?"
"your car, you know, your car."
"no i don't. i can't understand you, i'm sorry, can you repeat?"
"huh? (leaves the phone to speak to her colleague in malay, saying something about me speaking profound english)
"my correge will help chu now, cos hor, i cannot understand your ang moh."
"oh alright thanks for the-"
"hello? can i help chu?"
"yes, i would like to find out-"
"your nam prease?"


how can they put these people in charge of their english hotline?! and in the end right, i ask them if there's was anyone who can speak english that i can understand. feeling a little bad, i told them i was educated in some town far away in england where everyone speaks in a slang and i can't seem to catch theirs. it took me 3 times before she understood what i meant.

and guess what.
the third girl did the exact same thing!

cue musical interlude - "when we speak we begin with A-B-C..." - end.

so i asked her in chinese to transfer me to the chinese dept.

and boy did i dig a hole for myself. a shallow grave no less.
i couldn't understand i thing she said, i transferred back to the english dept.
and fought my way through.

yay. bangkok is officially ONz.