
Saturday, August 12, 2006

//it's my birthday and i cry if i want to//

happy birthday to me.

it's nice being 19. somehow it's the age of indifference. it's not a milestone yet it's too old to go unnoticed.
it's the last time we can be a teen, yet the first time we are almost adults
and it suddenly dawned on me two of my best friends are going to be full flegged responsible adults in less than 365 days.
and that in about 365 + 365 days, i would too be forced (unwillingly) to become a grown up.
how ah like that?

i'm glad it had a good birthday at the mother of all sarabat stalls - yassin.
mer, russ, nick, calvin and xueyun made a huge smile just gleem across my face.

the sad thing about today is of course leaving my workplace.
everyone was out at the event. it was only me and another colleague left for my sullen good bye.
i spent the day clearing my memos and wiki-pedia-ing.
i even got hugs from people whom once growled at me for inconsistent work.

i never thought i'll say this but i'm starting to miss the long walks up jalan hitam manis and taman warna.
going to miss the jalan jalan nasi padang cheap corner coffeeshop
going to miss the garden talks i had with the colleagues
the thousand and one post-its everywhere.

i miss imsg.

but on another note,

happy 2 year anniversary desmond.
(looks like we made it huh? 4D no?)