so what if i have ink on my skin?
the last incident where i was indirectly called a (i quote) "ah lian, delinquent and juvenile and naive", i have beaten myself up about it.
i sat in front of a bunch of two faced people who gossiped about tattoos and how they ruin your life and how that make the process of acceptance so difficult, how they will hurt to remove. i sat there through minutes of indirect insults, snares and convincing that tattoos will (again, i quote) "ruin your life, mind and body."
i heard these words come out of their mouths and i was flabbergasted. so fucking what if i have a tattoo?
i dare say i'm better than half of the people you meet out there.
it's sad to hear that people OUR AGE still have the perception that those who have ink on skin are mean, no-life hooligans who fight at every chance they have. it's very sad to hear people dissing the fact that i have a tattoo and calling me names.
so what?
i want to say my peace and let the matter rest.
it's not a bad thing. in fact, it's a pretty awesome thing to have. i thought about this tattoo for 2 years and i'll never discourage a person MY AGE (read: 20 and above) to get it provided they think about it for a long time. what a long time is can be defined by the person.
and i think there is also a limit to your tattoos. for me, it's a personal thing. it's something i have that's mine and no one elses. it's something i can show to who i deem appropriate. i still don't like those who do full body BUT I DON'T JUDGE THEM. i know many who done more than 3 tattoos, and they are pretty damn nice people.
for me, the tattoo was a significant part of my life. my studies had ended, the worst relationship that i could allow myself to get into ended, a new chapter began for me and i had found God in my life again. my tattoo meant new beginnings, closing old chapters, finding new love and i found that it was a pretty darn good reason to get one done.
i thought about it for 2 years, researching, talking to artists, talking to tattoo-ees, asking about pain, reading up on the process. I got recommendations for artists and what i should do. i set my date a week in advance. i made sure i saw a new needle, i made sure i was comfortable with my artist.
there are alot of things involved with getting a tattoo. fuck all those stupid miami ink and shows that show tattoos are an implusive, ridculous and childish moment of your lives.
so fuck you all who say i'm a bad person. you are no one to judge me. there is no wrong in inking myself. and if the process to remove it will hurt, i'll let it stay on me. it's a lifelong decision and i understood that. i understand it.
don't ever, ever say tattooing is a horrid mistake of my life. trust in my maturity because honestly, i think i'm more mature than you who judge me.
and you, you who said these words, i hope you understand that you've hurt me more than anything else because i actually considered you a friend.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago