
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

lousy friend.

"on a lonely day by Sophie0305, deviantart

"But we have received a sign, Edith - a mysterious sign. A miracle has happened on this farm... in the middle of the web there were the words 'Some Pig'... we have no ordinary pig."

"Well", said Mrs. Zuckerman, "it seems to me you're a little off. It seems to me we have no ordinary spider.

"Oh, no," said Zuckerman. "It's the pig that's unusual. It says so, right there in the middle of the web."

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

it's strange how we lose track of what we set to do.
it's strange we don't notice things around us as well.
it's even more strange that we notice things that really don't mean anything.

it's human, naturally, to want more 'me' time then 'them' time. it's human and perfectly normal to be distinterested in others and see your life as a fragment of a hollywood movie. emotionally charged and action packed.

and when others don't see the "problem" like you do, it hurts because u know there's something wrong. but the others claim self-indulgence on your part. and they move on before you can figure out what's going on.

why is it that sometimes, i feel myself blocking out problems of others that seem significantly less than mine? why do i roll my eyes at genuine concerns of other people that are in fact, in their little bubble, problems.

fuck, i feel like such an idiot. not because i ignored.

but because i chose not to care.

i've been there, where your problems seem less then the world's plight. which is why i hate burdening people. everyone has their pain right, deal with it.

but what if you can't deal with it? what if, the only way to deal with it, is to leech on?

wah lau, i hate myself right now because after all the shit i say,
in the end, i still need you.