
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

//hearing aid: swept away - christopher cross

Never had anything happen so fast took one look and I shattered like glass

i got:

- one gingerbread man thanks kris and gen
- one 'mating rituals' organizer thanks charlene
- one made from scratch fruit cake thanks ben
- one dart pen thanks gerard
- one diamonate pendant thanks a. margy
- one ipod shuffle and red leather case thanks kor
- one pair of havanas thanks a. yvonne
- one estee lauder makeup set and bag thanks vienna
- one brown straw bag thanks glenn
- one lipgloss and handphone pouch thanks jason and mel
- one star named after me thanks bran
- one ang pow with twenty bucks plus plus thanks raj
- one hundred bucks thanks mom and dad
- one thousand bucks thanks grandma

i love my grandma the mostest. yes i was shocked when she passed me the cheque.
please pray for me not to go on a shopping spree.

xmas was quiet this year. gigi's place with booze as usual, this time they bought food so no one got pissed drunk. but a few houses down the road was a snapshot of me and my gang a year ago. a few kids got wasted like we did. i guess its the age thing.

xmas day was spent with desmond and the family. we brought out shaun for a movie, king kong. Not bad but the movie was ruined by a crying kid infront, and when i say kid i mean like can't-even-walk-on-itself-own kid. and three pre-puberty-ish girls at the back of me that kept on asking why would anne darrell like the big nose man instead of the animal catcher guy.

despite everything, one thing was good: adrian brody.

pictures are coming up soon.