//sweet sixteen//
i tried. i really really tried. my internship started out wonderful.
a cute little company and everything i wanted i got.
now, it's just turned around.
every single day, it's been karen this karen that. i'm swamped with tons of work that i'm not suppose to know how to do because i'm a fucking student. i'm here to learn about my working life and learn about new things that they don't teach in school.
it's sad that people assume just because i can do one thing, i can do everything else.
teach me, tell me, let me learn. for the love of god and everything that is pure and true, let me make mistakes.
seriously, it's not the whole office, merely just one 'i think i'm ms hot shot walk around with her chanel perfume.'
i can't take her brutal insults, her jumping to conclusions and her inccesant comments about how i should know everything.
she's been in the bloody industry for like 20 years. 20 years of experience and hey, i commend that and most of all respect that she knows the most and can be a great pool of network and resource.
but no. she sees me as an incompetent child who cannot work for shit even though at the end of day i still give her what she wants. the things she wants me to do aren't even taught by my teachers in school, things you learn from experience and from working.
and most of all, she belittles and disrespects me to the bottom of what ever is the most bottom of. she treats me like i'm not there even though i stand 3 cm away from her. she talks to everyone with a cheery and boistrious tone but with me she snaps and is unforgiving.
i crave that acceptance and that whole shebang that she has with everyone. i don't understand why i'm the bane of her existance from the minute i stepped into the office.
i think i might have just found my downfall.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago