
Sunday, September 16, 2007

carpe diem.

sieze the day. live extraordinarily.

mr. keating, dead poets society.

after watching dead poets society again, i realised how much i love that film. besides the obvious push for freedom of poetry and love of literature, it teaches us to hold on to the very dream and passion we humans were meant to have.

believe you me, everyone has dreams. even the mad man that walks the void deck, even our parents. the fuddy duddy teacher at the blackboard to the cleaning aunty, all have dreams.

i've not heard a genuine dream in a long time. when i ask my friends about what their dreams are, what they aspire deep within their hearts, it's always something safe. that's the difference between a dream and a goal - one has the sky as its limit, one just doesn't have a limit.

the younger we are, the more we dare to dream. my six-year-old niece dreams to be a full-time princess, a vision flagged on by catching the latest movie by disney. as she ages, it would turn less and less extravagant and more and more mundane. soon she'll tell me her dream is to have 2 kids and be a hougang housewife.

I've yet to hear a dream that would make me go, wow, is that even possible?. it's been so long since i've seen fiery passion for anything besides money and career and maybe sex. quite ridiculous when we're told to dream when we were little but set goals when we are older.

living extraordinarily. that's my dream for now.

side note: please go watch dead poet's society. again if you have already done so. i bought it recently and it was just incredible to watch robin williams. that movie is just plain poetry in motion when it comes to mr. williams. next on my list: good morning, vietnam.