
Thursday, March 27, 2008

king of hearts.

fact: the king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card

dear kenneth,

i know it is a little late for this but happy birthday. you're 22 now, older than all my other best friends.

7 years ago, I admit, when i first shook your hand and mumbled my name out to you, i thought that would be the last thing i was ever going to say to you. You were sheepishly and painfully shy, drove many girls insane with your conga playing and drumming and i on the other hand, barely awakening from my adolescence, wanting to fit in with all the other girls.

Honestly, when i first met you, i really could not be bothered. it was all the other girls who followed you around that forced me to be friends with you. i guess it's fates way of saying hello, is it me you are looking for?

I don't know if you remember this, but the first time we ever had a conversation was on the first day of choir. I was 15-ish, fresh out of the wardens with char at my arm. She was introducing me to all of you guys, russ, ade and all. I barely knew you, and you barely knew me.

You said, "you're karen right?"

I said, "yeah, the only girl who isn't infatuated with you."

that was our first conversation really.

From there it sprang to weekly lunches and random meetups as i got closer to russ and char. it was never you somehow, never you who i wanted to be with. you were always a second degree, an after thought of friendships.

From the weekly lunches, we started working together. everyday for 3 months, it was you, me and russ at 630am in the morning till 12. Pool and cigs after that. we spent waking hours together, and when russ didn't come to work, it was just you and me.

and that's how it ended up really, just you and me.

there was one night, eons ago i called you. i guess i didn't know what i was doing. Big F was being his usual self and for some reason i called you. Not char, who knew the situation more than u did, not russ, who was closer to me than u at that point but you. the skinny outsider who i spent days with but really had no clue who you were.

from that night, i believe, was the start of our friendship. that night you transcended from being "just a friend" to "the best friend". Every night we would talk, about the most ridiculous things from movies to breakups, schools to girls.

I remember we even went down to NP to do the interview for Mass Comm and FSV together. when i got in, you were the first person i called. and the amazing thing is that, even though you didn't get in, you were genuinely happy for me. this genuine happiness carried through 3 years of poly where every time i fucked up an assignment or felt i couldn't do it, you never told me to give up.

always there.

and the first time you called me your best friend (to some girl at some youth event), i swear, goosebumps just rose. i remember having this conversation with you, asking u if you really thought i was your best friend, or u were trying to pick up the girl by appearing more sensitive.

your reply was simple. "you not my best friend then who? sai baba ah?"

Now, our topics evolve around more mature things like jobs, cars and our bleak future. we talk about everything now, and the moment i feel down, it's you i think of calling. nowhere else, will i be able to find, someone so ready, so intuned with me. you understand my inner sanitariums so completely, sometimes u scare me.

from being the first guy i actually ever cooked with, to the first guy i call when something happens, i hope you'll be the last guy at the end of the day too.

kenneth, i know we never say it enough, but i do love you. Everyday you are constantly there for me, making trips from bishan to boon keng even though i know it's really far, thinking of where we could go and eat when our pay cheque comes in, always calling me when i'm not there and when i'm at my lowest, you not only pick me up but put me higher than i was before.

so my best friend, happy birthday.
here's to every single stupid thing that happened in our lives and eventually brought two ridiculously mismatched beings together as friends.

with love,
karen :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy easter everybody.

jesus is lurbch you many many. :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

gripe friday.

attending mass today was really surreal.

i realised it was the first time since march that i had attended mass with the choir. i was washed with nostalgia. then came the doubt.

i doubt myself being apart of this entity called the community. it's like i'm there, flesh around bone and yet i'm somewhere else shaking my head in disappointment. today, i felt detached.

though, yes Jesus died for me today, hung on the cross and bared the weight of my sins, i was so distracted during service. i kept thinking about where to go if i stood up and left, and if i had faded would anyone notice.

call it a cry for attention, call it whatever you want. i just cannot see myself belonging anywhere anymore. i'm getting pissed off over every single thing.

you always disappearing, never truly devoting your time to us.
you always endearing, but such a pain as well.
you forever gossiping about everyone but never looking at the wrong you have done.
you never giving up, making me sick because i am forced not to give up.
you always making so much noise, i secretly wish i could staple your lips together.
you come and go, making me feel we don't matter.


Monday, March 17, 2008

film makers, heart breakers.

when i got documentary making as a module in poly,
i nearly shot myself with a magnum. ugh.

i thought of the early morning shoots, the late night editing, the lack of sleep, coffee and food, the too many packs a day, the sourcing for talent.

ugh. i managed to only borderline pass, whilst every one else got really good marks because they truely enjoyed it.

now, 2 years on from graduating, i begin to see why everyone likes it.

i've been sleeping late at night because all i wanna do is watch documentaries. it's just such a breath of fresh air from the sugar coated love stories, the mediocre channel 5 productions and too perfect to be true comedies i'm use to. this was "real" life played before my eyes.

first, it was Does Snuff Exist?. that one brought me the interest.
then came Guys and Dolls. that one got me hooked.

Born into brothels
Lucy in Thailand
PBS Sex Slaves
Deliver us from Evil (which by the way is my absolute favourite)
Return of Orange Clockwork

and so on.

this is a long way from Nanook, the first documentary i can truely remember watching. there's just something so true in these films that you cannot deny.
i'm currently hooked on 6Degrees which is purely riverting and heart stopping.

man, i wish i had this kind of appricieation when i was in poly. then maybe can get into local uni.

what am i saying? i just want to stay in a hostel and be one of the people that kenna surveyed. oh-so-dirty.

someday, i want to document your life.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

deep in the stillness, i can hear you speak.

written for a woman who lost her husband in a war,
written so long ago, where all she could do was to sing and cry.

i know no war or husband. i live for now.
how is it then, i know this woman?

To Where You Are by Josh Groban
Who can say for certain
Maybe you’re still here
I feel you all around me
Your memories so clear

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You’re still an inspiration
Can it be (? )
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you’re there
A breath away’s not far
To where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn’t faith believing
All power can’t be seen

As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
’cause you are mine
Forever love
Watching me from up above

And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave

Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you’re there
A breath away’s not far
To where you are

I know you’re there
A breath away’s not far
To where you are

i wish upon tonight to see you smile.
i do.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

take a leap.

i know sera and candy must be like,
how dare u miss our weekly thursday post.

well, blame blogger for not loading the 413758974957 photos we took!

anyway, it's been a long time, hiatus was good.
i needed sometime away from the blogosphere.

last week, me, sera and candy went ahead to catch leap years.
you know the one starring wong li-lin and ANANDA EVERINGHAM (please, spread him on a cracker.)

i read the reviews... two stars, three stars. not very favourable for a singapore produced film.

we watched it anyway.

anyone that knows me will say they have never seen me cry in the theatre over a show. maybe if we screened at home, i might shed some tears. i have an issue with crying in public though it is in the darkness of the cinema, i dread when the lights turn on and everyone will see my nose and know: this girl is a sentimental emotional basketcase.

but in leap years, i had to literally, control myself for sobbing.

sobbing! i had to hold my breath so i would not make those squeaky noises that girls make when they want a hug from a boyfriend after a fight.

the movie was, sort of good. I wouldn't say the best but it was good. what i loved about the movie was, (besides Ananda, come on, he was just a foot in the door) it was a romantic yet logical show. it made sense.

it made complete sense that these two people were so carelessly in love. it made sense that he would do that.

it made sense.

and that's why u feel, wow. this could be real. that could be me.

and though no one in the cinema could experience what the show was encompassing, everyone was touched. everyone was lost. everyone, including me.

the script, fantastic. the acting could be better - qi yiwu, cannot lah.
the cinematography, acceptable.

but the impact, indescribable.

when i left the cinema, i felt a sense of loss.

"people always ask you to find someone you can live with. i wanted someone i could not live without."

i thought about you. your face. your smell.
your laugh, your eyes.
your hands. i thought about how i've been living without you for these past 6months. i realised, i haven't been living. i've been breathing. not living.

if only there was a way to take it all back. i would.
because i know you, and only you, i can't live without.