when i got documentary making as a module in poly,
i nearly shot myself with a magnum. ugh.
i thought of the early morning shoots, the late night editing, the lack of sleep, coffee and food, the too many packs a day, the sourcing for talent.
ugh. i managed to only borderline pass, whilst every one else got really good marks because they truely enjoyed it.
now, 2 years on from graduating, i begin to see why everyone likes it.
i've been sleeping late at night because all i wanna do is watch documentaries. it's just such a breath of fresh air from the sugar coated love stories, the mediocre channel 5 productions and too perfect to be true comedies i'm use to. this was "real" life played before my eyes.
first, it was Does Snuff Exist?. that one brought me the interest.
then came Guys and Dolls. that one got me hooked.
Born into brothels
Lucy in Thailand
PBS Sex Slaves
Deliver us from Evil (which by the way is my absolute favourite)
Return of Orange Clockwork
and so on.
this is a long way from Nanook, the first documentary i can truely remember watching. there's just something so true in these films that you cannot deny.
i'm currently hooked on 6Degrees which is purely riverting and heart stopping.
man, i wish i had this kind of appricieation when i was in poly. then maybe can get into local uni.
what am i saying? i just want to stay in a hostel and be one of the people that kenna surveyed. oh-so-dirty.
someday, i want to document your life.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago