
Sunday, February 26, 2006

//hearing aid: bohemian rhaspody - queen

he's just a poor boy nobody loves him

haha, i am blogging from my dashboard. which means i don't even have to open my internet browser to blog. haha.

that is why mac is so fucking horny cool.
//hearing aid: sweet november main theme - ost

it's been a long time since a movie made me shake and cry.
when sweet november came out, i was merely sec 2. watched it with my classmates.
and we did get the story.
guy meets insane girl. girl offers free food, sex and house for a month.
man should be happy but man is alr happy.

until he falls in love. then girl falls sick. you get the drift.

i rmb walking out of the cinema in sec 2 weirded out, thinking keanu reeves doesn't have a good body and just wondering why were things so complicated.

today, watching it brought a funny feeling in my stomach. poignant almost. i cried so badly when she disappeared at the train station. it makes me feel like i've grown up somewhat. matured.
i feel really empty and sad right now.

i just hope i never have to walk away.

Friday, February 24, 2006

//hearing aid: do you remember - michael jackson

happy birthday adeline slarte.

mos was good. i think.
i can't remember much because i was a little drunk and a little wasted. thanks to a few tequilas and other stuff.
but for name's sake, i remembered the birthday girl.

before that salsa was amazing. i finally managed to dance with people who can dance.
ha. okie shall not name drop here. ask me about it.

russ and i studied a bit. and the only thing i learnt was that he is a milk racist.
"i only drink the white kind."
what's wrong with chocolate milk you?!

it's getting a little better.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

//hearing aid: walk away - corrinne may.

everyday the feeling's getting stronger.
yet everyday, it gets harder and harder.

you're worth more, then he'll ever realise.
how ironic that i once played this song in my head.
and once to a girl who need me to play it in her head.

your eyes tell a story of shame.
//hearing aid: the call - bsb

i will be late don't stay up and wait for me.

sebby was so weird on stage today. watched the play seb begged me to go for.
and it was pretttty good. though many a times, seb put on his sex face.
especially when he was crying for en. hey, madam lan was hooooooottt. i would do her. ha

and seb's hair, very very ah beng. when he opened his mouth, wah lan eh. out the window goes young rich master li and hello broadway beng.

overall preeeety ok la. and matt looks phwoar in a suit. ha.

after that desmond and me rushed off because we were dying of starvation. we sat the bus all the way back to my place and makaned. chatted about things for a long time.

i loved today. why?


Thursday, February 16, 2006

//hearing aid: spanish eyes - bsb

let it be, we're nothing more than dreamers

welcome back vice city.
seems singapore's crime is getting lower but more gruesome. there were 4 murders today alone.
i suddenly don't feel that safe anymore.
some guy shot his partner or some shit. a gun in singapore? that's almost as rare as an asteriod.
so he ran off into another land and the interpol is involved. let's throw a party.

i hope they find that son of a bitch who caused the jam outside of ngee ann.

on a much lighter and legal note: advertsing was kickass fucking orgasmic

ok, before the presentation, we were shaking and pratically peeing in our pants. but all and all, no major problems. i fumbled quite a bit but i'm over that. and i passed my ad analysis overall. so woots.
JLO was pretty tough but nothing without a reason. think she nearly made a team cry.
but we got spared thankfully.

kudos to ink on fifth.
we are so glam.

and mm's over, tv's more or less other, feat writing is done-ed.
i'm feeling preeeeety free now. but not for a fucking F for mrm.
fuck means i got to work like fuck for my paper. i want to kick myself for not paying attention to sharpe and sus-tan.

a sense of quirk
//hearing aid: if you didn't love me

But there's so much inside me, I never get to say

here's a virtual one first, i'll give u a real one someday

he makes an effort.
i know he does. it's hard to know that sometimes.
i miss him. suddenly. he says he does too. my voice, he says, i miss your voice.
and here i am, i had to read that twice to make sure he said that. it's just unlike him
i wish he was here. sometimes, i think all i need is him and everything is complete. sometimes it's a pain to be near each other. i'm not perfect and he knows that.

and he still stuck around for some odd reason.

it's always been about me.
now it's about us. what's happening to us.
our lives. not mine. ours.
and i hate everything around me. i just want to bleed it out of me.

i love you too.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

//hearing aid: torn - natalie imbruglia

thought i saw a man brough to life

well, it was a refreshing experience. he bought me the little pig by the window.
i wanted it for a while and he went back to get it for me.

Image hosting by Photobucket
we named it pau. cause it looks like one

i made him a cube frame inspired by kenneth.

Image hosting by Photobucket
Image hosting by Photobucket

i really like it. but it was a bitch to put together cos the glue was too wet.
but all's well.
so we had chicken, sushi, dessert all from carrefour. haha yeah we ordered out cos everywhere was too crowded or ex.
valentine's day was good. a rose from special someones. kisses from other special someones.
its been good.

after watching jarhead, which was a really fantastic movie, i met up the the singles for a night out.
met at acid bar. not a bad place but jammed packed with expats and other things.
the live band was great. i loved her voice.
but then so many tunes hit me and i realised why i was feeling like i was.
i just can't anymore

we trotted to the seasaws at emerald hill to relax. just me char and ade. it was amazing this night.
i missed the times we spent together just talking.

nothing's right i'm torn

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

//hearing aid: the way you make me feel - michael jackson.

i am feeling amazing. all because of a certain michael jackson.
fralala. i just bought the essential album. omg. it is absolutely fantastic.
it makes me so happy. i have no idea why.

waaaaay back i was at the concert. his one and only tour in Singapore. he crashed into the stage in a golden rocket.
and a golden suit. he did the moonwalk. then he took off the helmet.

he was so hot.

i was like 9 or 10. and already i was feeling so attracted to him. ah.
but now he's become a mush of skin and plastic. more or less like cher.
and apparently he loves children. normally it wouldn't be a problem but...

i still adore him. he's the best performer that has ever walked. i swear.
ah. yay black and white is playing now.

side note: i spent 500 bucks on 2 jackets, 2 tops and a new fragrance. woopedoo.

michael jackson. i think he might be the only celebrity i cry for when he dies.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

//hearing aid: stars - simply red

i would have fall from the stars, straight into your arms

a wake up call came yesterday.
while doing work at adel's place at 230am
it hit me like a hail storm.

you just might have hit rock bottom by asking me that kind of question.

i think it's about time to become a little self-reliant. and kick some baggage out of my system.
besides, i think i can live without.
i hope i can at least.

haha i feel awesome.

Thursday, February 9, 2006

//hearing aid: one love - U2

did you come as jesus, to cure the lepers in your head

along came miro.
it's a long story.
imagine. dark haired, brighted eyed, flawless face, japanese, perfect white teeth.
oh me oh miro.

gen and i were talking about memoirs of a geisha and kris said gen has the characteristics of a geisha.
i stared at her. uh?
so i asked her how much her mizuyage was. and she freaked.
i told her i wanted to bid for it.

then gen said it's the 21st century. grow up.
and i said, oh so now i got to bid on ebay?

gen laughs and says: "i have to send e-crab cakes to all my clients."
we couldn't stop laughing for a while.

school's become that regret and bane of my existance again. today was mad rush day. i spent a total of 30 bucks on cab fare here and there. 20 bucks on printing. and i died and rose again to die again.

school just got fjkl;sddfjkl;sakjlfdsaljksdfagasfhj;wruioh;

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

//hearing aid: juicebox - the strokes

standing in the light field

weird boob starer guy asked me out for coffee. i nearly barfed.
it's weird that he thinks he actually stood a chance.

"wanna grab some coffee?"
nah, i'm tired.
"next week you coming for fiesta? (some salsa party)"
maybe la.
"can i have your number?"
uh. ok.

yes i now am one step closer. ugh.

gen and i had a wonderful talk on the bus about vietnam and how we got the honeymoon suite at the hotel that was worse than the normal rooms. it was in the middle of a garden that wasn't even planted. and there were 2 vietnamese men standing outside our door.

first thing i said was... is this the honeymoon suite?
there was a heart plastered on the door.
"do we look lesbian?"

but we changed rooms to a a floor where all our clinque was one the same floor.
and the whole floor contained all of us only. it was great.

and you know, doing data for mrm was suprising theraputic. laughing at all the answers for the questions.

question: why do you play video games?
"to own noobie james."
"i am addicted already."
"shiok la."

question: how would you feel if you couldn't play games for a week?"
"super sianZ"
"horny, irritated and sian"
"BOARD and irritated."
"NUM, no feeling."

i know i know, but i'm sorry. it was hot and stuffy and we were almost braindead.
anything would have made us brawl in laughter.

but what is done is done.

Sunday, February 5, 2006

//hearing aid: walk away - corrinne may

your eyes tell the story of shame

watching bedazzled again brings back memories.
and elizbeth hurley is so hot.

it's one of those days.