//hearing aid: juicebox - the strokes
standing in the light fieldweird boob starer guy asked me out for coffee. i nearly barfed.
it's weird that he thinks he actually stood a chance.
"wanna grab some coffee?"
nah, i'm tired.
"next week you coming for fiesta? (some salsa party)"
maybe la.
"can i have your number?"
uh. ok.
yes i now am one step closer. ugh.
gen and i had a wonderful talk on the bus about vietnam and how we got the honeymoon suite at the hotel that was
worse than the normal rooms. it was in the middle of a garden that wasn't even planted. and there were 2 vietnamese men standing outside our door.
first thing i said was... is this the honeymoon suite?
there was a heart plastered on the door.
"do we look lesbian?"
but we changed rooms to a a floor where all our clinque was one the same floor.
and the whole floor contained all of us only. it was great.
and you know, doing data for mrm was suprising theraputic. laughing at all the answers for the questions.
question: why do you play video games?
"to own noobie james."
"i am addicted already."
"shiok la."
question: how would you feel if you couldn't play games for a week?"
"super sianZ"
"horny, irritated and sian"
"BOARD and irritated."
"NUM, no feeling."
i know i know, but i'm sorry. it was hot and stuffy and we were almost braindead.
anything would have made us brawl in laughter.
but what is done is done.