
Sunday, July 30, 2006

//wouldn't it be nice.//

a piece done by YC's underpaid, very handsome and talented beyond ripley's believe of not inhouse designer, tianyu.
i absoulutely love this piece he did for his army's chinese new year partay. so smart hor.

he also did some work for the choir (logo done by him. invite by me.) :

a nice collaboration. thought i haven't met him per se.

according to what i learnt during attachment, tianyu can claim 5,400 bucks worth of PR value for me doing this unpaid worshipping of his works.

the week went faster than the world's fastest indian. (though we all secretly know that the world's fastest indian is in mumbai running after a train).

10 more days left before i officially say goodbye to my second home for the past 20weeks. but unofficially i still got like 8 more weeks la. those slave drivers! ha.

extending my internship was quite a difficult decision to make, mainly because i really really loathe going to work at fixed timings all the time and having to be there all the time. so when i made up my mind to stay with the image of me being engulfed by a desk from 930 to 630, it was with much thought la.

to my suprise, my boss said: "why don't u work from home then?"

(jumps around and and does the chandler dance.)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

//the quiz is right//

friday night was the first time i've seen calvin in 5 months.
he looks the same, as nuah as ever.
somethings don't change eh? it was really good.
mer joined us for a wonderful dinner at spizza. omg, the pizza made me come 2563247 times.
it's called Pamela, and much like ms anderson, the top-(ping) was heavy. the beef pizza was good too though it came with the bontanical gardens. there was 3 inches of some capeollaishabillabongnonyacheelakao leaf.

but the company was fantastic. we hopped over to far east square, found this wonderfully cheap beer place and talked about everything that was coming and going and gone.

side note: somethings are gone but i still think are going.

today's roadshow was good too. met a few new people are will potenially get me job.
a fashion designer, a hot emcee who use to date my cousin, a event's manager who has a deep dark secret and of course, the navy guy with the uniform at home. (think dirty thoughts.)

to rus's place i trotted. the myth and four brothers cuddled with kenneth and russell and his pimple.

i'm addicted to silly quizzes that i sometimes lie in.

01) What is your phone type?: sony ericsson 700i
02) What's the last 3 digits of your mobile number?: 977
03) What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?: 'Hey, have you eaten dinner yet? i'm gonna meet russ at eminent plaza and tao pao to his.
04) Who's the first person who comes up under the letter m?: Mag
05) Who's the last person you rang?: Mummy. "i'm late. not pregnant late, 2am late.
06) Who was your last missed call from?: kevin
07) Who's the 9th person who comes up under i?: issac (zhi)
08) What does the last message in your inbox say?: WOMAN! 16mil i can survive 226 years! woo...on 5k a month. Have an early night hor!
09)Who's the 3rd person who comes up under F?: Francis... the ex-man.
10) Go to your Sent Items ..what does the 5th msg say?: Next stop, i can kiap alr. (ok, it's an inside joke.)
11) Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?: Sandeeeeeee
12) What is your network provider?: Singtel. (damn fugging expensive lar)
13) How many messages are currently in your inbox?: 98
14) What do you have as your background?: a picture of my dream neighbour... from the Sims 2: back in business.
15) Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?: Rebecca
16) Who do you have on speed dial 3?: kenneth
17) If you're on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have? whoar.
18) Who's the first person who comes up under C?: cablink!
19) How many bars of signal do you currently have?: 5
20) What do you have as your main ringtone?: the theme from sex in the city/will and grace. (mainly people i don't like are will and grace. listen to the ringtone for your status. ha.)

thanks jules for the quiz

it's a sick sick sick addiction.

Friday, July 21, 2006

//cobwebs in my closet//

i was cleaning my room when a card carelessly fell out of my stack.


heya girl!

don't worry, this isn't a panicked response to the christmas card you've sent me.
i had my first sugarplum fairy! (some sort of smiley face)

yeah well appreciate the useless nonsense you sent me. so here's some nonsense of my own.

thank you girl for listening to me go on incessantly about my delusions of love, thanks for agreeing to company me to makan, shop and hang out.

thanks for being.

a part of me reached out and dabbed my eyes.
a part of me just sat there and thanked God for people like you.
i'm glad we gotten in touch with each other again after months of obsolution.
and it's like we never left.

i'm glad we always pick up where we left off.
and yet i'm glad everytime we meet, there's something new.

thank you for being too.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

//manic monday//

it was monday and everyone was so tired from work.
then came tuesday and work became harder.
wednesday was today and we're closer to the weekend. whoopee!

my colleagues keep me sane between the press releases and media kits.
and i'm really happy cos work is finally picking up.
not letting myself be put down by work is one of the best decisions i had made.

so the past few days, i've been forcing myself to wake up early, get to work earlier,
leave a little later and hopefully show my boss that i'm not that disinterested/noobie/nooblet/studenty.

and besides that, i have to show you my desk which has been ravanged by wild dogs.

i talk to hulio my mouse while i day dream of 630pm.

and my neighbours - shou

he posed for it. slut.

and i-only-wear-prada-and-100-year-old-batik-shirts-but-i-can-wear-19.90-fake-oakleys-DEAN.

work is like fresh air.
especially now that i'm on the same page as most of them.
dean's constant shouts of cantonese and aaaahhhh-vvvvei-maaaaa-reeeee-yeeeee-yaaaaaaa. (ave maria)
i've gotten use to shouchen giving away my pre-born babies (so far 3)
lynda's dreams of becoming a waist model dashed when she slammed into a pavement on blades
dora's little my cubicle song.
len's stories of his aussie uni days and his nuclear bomb mineral water ideas.
alaric's enya and peter cetera fetishes.
nal's like jokes about men and their two things.

work is really like fresh air.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

//i do, do you?//

spending a lazy saturday afternoon with merlynn provoked some thoughts.

at the gym, as usual with vasatham central on the tv and the treadmill going at 9.4 and the cross trainer at 5, we talked about marriage and kids.

do i really want kids in the future? i don't know. i thought of how i really wanted to live life like my uncle and aunty. married young, focused on the career. worked through marriage like a bulldozer and got 30,000 dollar per month income at the end of the day. without kids, i could take my career to the next level. i could work, come home to my hubby and curl up in the covers. have some hot sex without thinking if i am going to wake the kids and then go to work the next day and make magic.

i could rise in my career without worrying about whether i'll be neglecting the tyke at home or if i wouldn't be there to see her walk her first steps. i could use the time on weekends to be with the hubby and prolly i would be working anyway.

but i i have kids, i would look forward to coming home. to see that beautiful baby girl or see my son's new drawing at school where i and the hubby would be standing (i hope he draws stick figures so i would be thin) in front of a one-room house with birds in the air. i would enjoy the glowing skin at pregnancy and at the end of the day, i would have a powder fresh baby to oogle at. the hubby and i would spend the day at home teaching her how to say mama or papa.

we would grow closer as a family. strangers would tickle his chin and watch him coo. i'll be proud when he gets his first A and at his first performance.

as mer said: "if i can love someone that came out of someone else's vagina, i would love the one that comes out of mine more than ever."

i just don't know.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

i'm just an intern.
not a do-everything-than-blame-me-for-not-finishing-photocopying-professional-pr-consultant-blame-me-for-everything-that-doesn't-follow-your-style-wannabe-posh-late-all-the-time slave.

i hate being at the bottom of the food chain.

Monday, July 10, 2006

//ask reeves peeves//

the one thing i cannot stand is rude people who work as telecommunications officers with horrible english.

"hello, air***a can i help chu?"
"hi, i would like to find out if my booking went through."
"i would like to checking on my booking for a flight to bang-"
"your nam prease."
"excuse me-"
"your nam, your nam cor what?"
"my name? are u ask-"
"yesh mam, your nam."
"karen wong."
"your car number prease."
"my car number?"
"your car, you know, your car."
"no i don't. i can't understand you, i'm sorry, can you repeat?"
"huh? (leaves the phone to speak to her colleague in malay, saying something about me speaking profound english)
"my correge will help chu now, cos hor, i cannot understand your ang moh."
"oh alright thanks for the-"
"hello? can i help chu?"
"yes, i would like to find out-"
"your nam prease?"


how can they put these people in charge of their english hotline?! and in the end right, i ask them if there's was anyone who can speak english that i can understand. feeling a little bad, i told them i was educated in some town far away in england where everyone speaks in a slang and i can't seem to catch theirs. it took me 3 times before she understood what i meant.

and guess what.
the third girl did the exact same thing!

cue musical interlude - "when we speak we begin with A-B-C..." - end.

so i asked her in chinese to transfer me to the chinese dept.

and boy did i dig a hole for myself. a shallow grave no less.
i couldn't understand i thing she said, i transferred back to the english dept.
and fought my way through.

yay. bangkok is officially ONz.

Saturday, July 8, 2006

//fall out boy//

on a hot random saturday afternoon, two girls decided to go skating without their usual guards. read: no people who can actually skate.

and you know what. we made it. over several humps. falling down countless of times, and tumbling over each other. and also dancing cha cha and salsa in the middle of our best friend, the grass patch.

we bladed to the mother of all humps and released the grandmother was to be feared more. we made it over once, but not twice. oh well. the day without meanie, mark or kev was the most amazing time we had skating. tho we skated slower then the whole world la.

our proof that we did it okay.

one of the reasons why we kept on taking photos on the grass patch is so that we don't look like we were un-pro.

such lies.

Friday, July 7, 2006

//posh or not?//

i love that couple to death. they have the genes to repopulate the earth okay.
if only if only.

they're too perfect.

Monday, July 3, 2006

//don't look back//

in anger.

oh crikes. it looks like another monday at the office.
think that maybe i need another woo in my life.

i'm quite sick of seeing the same old fractions of life.
sick of the same messages that people take.

last night, i thought about my friendships. the ones that i fought to keep
and the ones that had fallen through the thin cracks of life. ones that were brutally ended.
the ones who i didn't want but had.
the ones who i wish i had still

i'm ashamed. to say that the 3 people whom i thought bothered.

argh. they have their girlfriends. why do u need a sister then?

i understand now.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

//port fa bort//

portugal's into the semis! oh yeah oh yeah. bring it on italy.
but the match itself was hardly anything to cheer about.

slow tackles, lazy dribbling. for the portugeuse mainly. the english were good, suprisingly, with 2 of the strikers out (owen and rooney) and their captain dehydrated and injured. kudos to them cause they still managed to fight to the end with almost flawless defence. not to mention, peter crouch's obviousity on the field. in the words of jiancheng: "everyone within 30cm of peter crouch is in danger. look at his arms. he's a walking hazzard."

portugal, disappointing. so many many loopholes, so many many sluggish players. as my brother said: "both also don't deserve to be here loh. GHANA!"

but all that's said and done, portugal still won the match (by the hair of luis figo's leg).

so goooooo portugal!

the match was slightly better with jiancheng (who lives 10 secs away, we actually timed) and mer and the brother and the girlfriend and the dad.

whoar, break dance whoar.

in the words of merlynn tong chor mun: "eh, beckham is unnaturally good looking."
i couldn't agree more.

with a voice like that, something's gotta give.